Sunday, August 19, 2012

Niceness can be a national asset

I visited the Philippines on assignment back in March, 2012. My time there left me searching for apt metaphors and adjectives without recycling cliches.

I found niceness to be a trait that the Filipino nation can rightly lay claim to. Even before I had arrived in the country, I witessed the politeness, patience and friendly demeanor that characterizes the inhabitants of these seven-thousand islands.

It started with the extremely patient flight attendant who kindly explained to a rather irate passenger in the seat across from me why he couldn't have his large handbag blocking the aisle during landing. It continued at Manila airport where three separate strangers took the time to explain the various uniquenesses that an international traveler often experiences. It has continued since then -- in encounters in another airport, at the hotel, at the marketplace, riding public transportation.

Cliches can be problematic, but sometimes they can be pithy distillers of truth. For the Philippines, niceness is a national asset.

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