Sunday, July 13, 2014

Circular Connections

Today's the final game of the FIFA World Cup, involving Germany and Argentina.

It's a rather obscure fact that the "Brazuca" football used in this year's World Cup is manufactured in Pakistan.[1] The city where this football is manufactured is Sialkot, in northern Punjab.

Sialkot was also the birthplace, in 1877, of one Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. Iqbal was a bit of a modern-day polymath: a poet, philosopher, traveler and -- perhaps unavoidably; given that he was born, lived and died under the British Raj -- a politician and statesman.

Iqbal spent quite a bit of his youth in Europe: England, Germany and Spain. He finished his doctoral thesis in Germany and resided in Munich and Heidelberg, studying Nietzsche and Goethe. Decades later, Heidelberg honored its one-time quiet, luminary citizen by naming a street after him.[2]

Decades later, too, the people of Argentina commemorated their friendship with the people of Pakistan by making a park, Plaza de Pakistan, in their capital city of Beunos Aires.[3] A plaque in the park quotes a Farsi (Persian) couplet from Iqbal:

آدمیت احترام آدم است
برتر از گردوں مقام آدم است

(Humanity is when man the dignity of others defends
And by doing so his stature above the heavens ascends)

I'm happily looking forward to seeing Germany play against Argentina on a football field using a ball made in Sialkot, Pakistan.


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